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Mud Road Sugar House plans open house EPHRATAH – Mud Road Sugar House will have an Open House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 26 and 27 at 278 Mud Rd. Mud Road’s open house features corn fritters with syrup, wagon rides, sugarhouse and woods tours, and a possible visit from a local race car. Visit www.mudroadsugarhouse.com and the sugarhouse’s Facebook page for updated information on boiling, products, and opening details. This year’s NYS Maple Weekends will be March 19-20 and 26-27. To find a producer near you, visit https://www.upperhudsonmaple.com/.
Northville library event set for March NORTHVILLE — Northville Public Library will host a Pysanki Egg demonstration by Anna Finch from 9-11 a.m. March 26 at the library, 341 S 3rd St. The demonstration will explain the tools, dye preparations, wax resist techniques, finish coatings, and the symbolism of this art form practiced in Eastern Europe for centuries. Each participant will receive a list of supply sources for materials including various egg types, traditional dyes, tools, equipment, and design references. A Pysanki egg will be given away to a participant at a drawing at the end of the demonstration. Advanced registration is required by calling 518-863-6922.
Church to host benefit dinner GLOVERSVILLE — Bleecker Street Church of Christ will host a benefit dinner Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. The dinner will consist of an Italian sausage sub, potato chips, dessert and a beverage. The cost will be $9. The dinner is take-out only with curbside service. Call in order anytime or just drive up. Call (518) 725-0542 or call or text to (518) 448-2682. The church is located at 46 Spring St.
Historical society to meet March 15 BROADALBIN — The Broadalbin Kennyetto Historical Society will be meeting at 7 p.m. on March 15 at the First Presbyterian Church. The guest speaker will be Pete Couser. Pete is a Trustee of the Fort Plain Museum, in Fort Plain. He will discuss several incidents that occurred in the Mohawk Valley region during the Revolutionary War. He will also speak about several Revolutionary myths and bring artifacts from his large collection for the members to view.
Elwood Nature Club to meet March 17 AMSTERDAM — The next meeting of the Elwood Nature Club has been scheduled for March 17 at 7 p.m. at the Inman Center, 53 Guy Park Ave. Willie Gizara will give a presentation on Polar Science, The Animals, Geology, etc. The program is free and open to the public.
Galway library to host event March 28 GALWAY — Galway Public Library, 2112 East St., Gand Discussion program, Place & Story, a series made possible by support from Humanities New York, on March 28 at 7 p.m. The book Red-Tails in Love, by Marie Wynn, is available at the library for those who register at 518-882-6385. More information about the programs is available at www.galwaypubliclibrary.org.
Cardboard derby set for Saturday CAROGA LAKE — The Royal Mountain Cardboard Derby will take place Saturday at Royal Mountain Ski Area, 3072 State Route 10. The 2022 theme is any TV show, movie or cartoon. Signs up will be from 3-4:30 p.m. and racing at 5 p.m. Awards will be given for the top three in each class: 11 years and under, ages 12-20, and 21 years and up. Fireworks start at dusk and the cost is $10 per carload, All proceeds to benefit the Royal Mountain Ski Patrol. For information, visit the Royal Mountain Ski Patrol Facebook page.
Sir William Johnson to be discussed UTICA — Sir William Johnson (1715-1774) was the largest landowner and an influential individual in colonial Mohawk Valley. He served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs and his relations with the Six Nations of the Iroquois greatly influenced England’s control of colonial North America. Wade Wells, Site Manager for Johnson Hall, will discuss this important figure in Mohawk Valley history at the Oneida County History Center on March 19 at 1 p.m. Johnson’s handling of the relationship with the Six Nations of the Iroquois greatly influenced England’s victory over France for control of colonial North America. Johnson was granted the title Baronet for his service to the British Crown who later appointed him Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The Oneida County History Center is a private 501(c) (3) not-for-profit educational institution dedicated to preserving the history, heritage, and culture of the Greater Mohawk Valley for present and future generations. Admission to this program is free for the general public; donations are encouraged. Please contact the History Center at 315-735-3642 or visit the OCHC website (https://www.oneidacountyhistory.org/programs.html) for additional information.
AHS Class of 2022 hosting fundraiser AMSTERDAM — The Amsterdam High School Class of 2022 is having a Graduation Sign Fundraiser. The community is invited to celebrate a graduating senior — or the entire Senior Class — by purchasing a lawn sign for display at their home or business. The outdoor 18” x 24” double-sided signs are priced at $15, $20 and $25 with optional personalization. For an order form, call 518-866-4598 or email classof2022ahs@gmail. Either check to AHS Class of 2022 After Ball or Venmo @loristachnik will be accepted for payment. Order deadline is March 25. All proceeds from the event will benefit the AHS Class of 2022 After Ball, a fun, safe, substance-free event open to all Senior students following the Senior Ball on June 3.
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53 Church Street Gloversville, NY 12078 518-725-8616
Gloversville WeatherGloversville, US 1:26 am, March 12, 2022 37°F overcast clouds Wind: 6 mph Sunrise: 6:14 am Sunset: 5:59 pm