Brevard District 4 County Commission race marred by controversies

2022-07-29 20:39:54 By : Mr. Er Yan Hu

Of all the races in Brevard County during the 2022 elections season, one of the most contentious has been the contest for the District 4 Brevard County Commission seat being vacated by Curt Smith, who is terming out after eight years in office.

District 4 includes all or part of Indian Harbour Beach, Melbourne, Palm Shores, Rockledge and Satellite Beach, as well as sections of unincorporated Brevard, including Suntree and Viera.

Four Republican candidates — two men and two women — are vying for a chance to face write-in candidate Joseph Aiello in the Nov. 8 general election.

In reality, the winner of the Aug. 23 primary will almost certainly be the next commissioner. Aiello's name will not appear on the ballot, and there are no Democrats running for the seat, a position that pays $58,145.36 a year.

Had there been no write-in candidate, the primary would have been open to all voters, including Democrats, no party affiliation voters and members of minor political parties. 

The four candidates Republican voters must choose from are David Armstrong, Robert Feltner, Margaret Mary Steciuk and Sandra Sullivan.

The race also features some of the largest amounts raised by candidates in any race this season. Feltner has raised more than $182,000, while Armstrong has a war chest of $208,000.

But, money aside, two candidates in particular have dominated the race until now: Sullivan, an activist known for her fight to uncover the truth about a military dumpsite in South Patrick Shores, and Feltner, a longtime political operative endorsed by Sheriff Wayne Ivey.

Sullivan has been a fixture at County Commission meetings, lambasting commissioners for positions they have taken on public works, taxes, the Indian River Lagoon and developers, among other issues.

Feltner previously worked at the Brevard County Property Appraiser's Office as the director of governmental affairs and public relations. But he is best-known among political insiders as a consultant who has managed and advised the political campaigns of a number of candidates in Brevard and Indian River counties, including judges and contenders in nonpartisan races.

Among those whose campaigns that Feltner managed or advised are Sheriff Wayne Ivey's and that of Misty Belford, the School Board member for District 1.

According to Democrat Jennifer Jenkins, Feltner also reached out to her and offered her advice on a handful of occasions during her successful run for the District 3 School Board seat in 2020 against then-incumbent Republican Tina Descovich. Jenkins said the advice was not consequential, and stressed that Feltner was not a paid consultant.

The issue of his advice for Jenkins was raised by Sandra Sullivan at a recent candidate forum .Belford and Jenkins are now opposed by many conservatives for supporting mask mandates in schools during the pandemic, among other issues.

Aiello entered the race after a desperate search by allies of Feltner, including Commissioner Smith himself, to close the primary election to all but Republicans. Smith told FLORIDA TODAY he did it so that Democrats and political independents couldn't vote for Sullivan, who he has called names in social media posts.

Sullivan blames opponents and her detractors for labeling her a socialist, a Democrat and a non-citizen. "This is the stuff I have had to counter," she said.

This race features perhaps the most diverse set of viewpoints among the candidates.

Democrat Party issues:Falling registrations, few candidates and defections: what's going on with Brevard Democrats

FLORIDA TODAY, along with the League of Women Voters of the Space Coast, hosted a forum offering candidates a platform to get their message out to voters. Sullivan and Armstrong participated in the event, while Feltner, Steciuk and Aiello did not participate.

Here's what the candidates said at that forum and at other public events:

Armstrong points to his business background, marking fiscal responsibility and sound decision-making as the two central reasons that people should elect him as the next county commissioner.

One of his consistent key points is that he doesn’t need a job and he is not running to have a job. He said he is a County Commission candidate because he wants to make Brevard a better place to live for everyone.

“I am not running to change things, but I am running to ask questions,” he said. “I think we have had examples in the very recent past where it seems like all we do is rubber-stamp issues.”

Contrast that with Sullivan, an entrepreneur and systems analyst, who is one of the more seasoned candidates in this race, along with Feltner. Of all the candidates, she has been the most constant presence at the County Commission, consistently attending commission and advisory board meetings for the past four years.

“My expertise is in going into businesses and solving their problems using technology and processes,” she said. “I am running to change things. We need to address some very fundamental problems.”  

As for Feltner, he is campaigning to be the next county commissioner because of the outsized impact of local government for residents.

"I think that the elected leaders in Brevard County affect us all greatly," he said. "I intend to represent everyone in the county, not just the people of District 4. If you put me on Board of County Commissioners, I will be the taxpayers' advocate."

Steciuk is a transplant to Brevard with a background in transportation and land-use planning. She has a doctoral degree in information science.

"I decided to run because I am concerned with popup cities that I see every day as I drive down the road," she said. "I think there needs to be a moratorium on new building construction until we get a chance to write up a 25-year plan."

For Sullivan, the most pressing problem is growth and development.Sullivan has advocated for increasing impact fees to developers to help offset the cost of infrastructure improvements.

“At least six times, I have gone to County Commission meetings requesting they address the impact fee issue, and I am ignored,” Sullivan said.

As for Armstrong, the issue is a fiscal one.

"The most important issue is that, if we have a budget, stick to it," Armstrong said.

“Why do we already have to bust the cap from 3% to 7%?” he asked referring to the last time that the County Commission voted to bust the charter cap. “That seems unusual to me, but if you are following staff recommendations and not studying the balance sheet, that is where you have a problem. That is where private business comes into it.”

The charter cap was codified in 2008, and it limits increases in revenue generated by property taxes to no more than 3% a year or the annual change in the consumer price index, whichever is less, not counting revenue generated by new construction.

Steciuk also is concerned with the amount of development taking place in Brevard.

“We need to think things in the long range, and make sure that you actually have the money to back that plan up,” Steciuk said. “We have a great base. We have a lot of people moving in. We just have to decide where we want that development to be, so you don’t have that impact on the infrastructure that can be detrimental on the rest of us that already live here.”

A draft of the budget was recently released by the county manager’s office totaling $1.83 billion, the largest in the history of the county. Some argue, however, that is not enough to deal with the issues plaguing Brevard.

Armstrong would prioritize health and safety, as well as water management, which includes the Indian River Lagoon.

Brevard's record budget:Brevard County's proposed 2022-23 budget is record $1.83 billion, but tax rate decreases

“We have put way too much money into studying the lagoon problem, and way too little into producing results,” Armstrong said. “It is well-known that you have got to start correcting the problem. It is going to be a long-term correction, and we need scientific background for that. But we have enough background that we should see operations working every single day that we go to work, and we pass by these barges and these dredging operations.”

On this issue, Sullivan referred again to infrastructure and impact fees. She also alluded to some human resources concerns for employees.

“We also need to address health care costs, because that is through the roof,” she said. “We have to find ways of addressing that issue with the county.”

For Feltner, the concern is inflation and the impact it will have on the budget.

The cost of housing has become an increasing problem for many.

This area punctuates the different visions that each of the candidates has for the county.

Whereas Sullivan believes there is a shortage in infrastructure, and wants to augment revenues by increasing impact fees, Armstrong wants to leave the fees alone, believing that housing will be the foundation from which the county can grow.

“I would encourage our government to put impact fees on the shelf,” Armstrong said. “A house pays for itself. We have more than enough money without impact fees, with the number of houses being built right now.”

Instead, Armstrong wants to address affordable housing by using the land the county already has, but also leverage the funds from the housing and human services department to build high-density housing.

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“We should bring that money into Brevard, use it wisely through the housing and human services, to build complexes that will house more than family,” he said.

Sullivan has an alternative approach through taking advantage of a development tool called a community land trust.

“I really like the setup where the county owns land and does a public/private partnership,” she said. “This land is designated, and has to remain as affordable housing, and the county would work with a builder or some of the nonprofits.”

Even with some improvements, the health of the Indian River Lagoon continues to be in trouble.

The Marine Resources Council, a nonprofit, published a report grading the water quality of the lagoon as an “F double minus.”

Armstrong believes the lagoon issues are tied to the development happening near the lagoon.

“We have read many articles in FLORIDA TODAY about the beaches where this pipe and that pipe broke and put 70,000 to 100,000 gallons of sewage straight into the river, and then (the organization) was fined $700,” Armstrong said. “If that was me as a builder, I would be underneath the jailhouse right now.”

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It is also a matter of transparency.

“We have not gotten transparency for the money being spent on the lagoon,” Armstrong said. “Every time we try to get that transparency, it is not being given in a reasonable fashion, in a reasonable timeline and a reasonable expense.”   

Sullivan has long been an advocate for the lagoon, attending the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan Citizen Oversight Committee meetings and participating in public comment. She alluded to problems with the lagoon when speaking on other topics during a recent candidate forum.

“I have some very deep concerns that we are not getting the citizen oversight, nor what is in the contract for the audit,” she said. “That is a half a billion, closer to $800 million. And, in my opinion, based on my research, it is being mismanaged.”

Voters approved a referendum in 2016 to levy a half-percent sales tax to help pay to clean the lagoon and return it to health. An oversight committee was convened to oversee how the tax was spent along with an annual audit to ensure the money is spent lawfully.

Sullivan’s environmental concern deals with the use of herbicides, which she believes to be reason for the lack of seagrass growth.

“Herbicides, the science is showing, kills seagrass, persists in saltwater, and feeds algae blooms,” she said. “We are not even addressing that, and the county increased its herbicide budget by 2½ times last year.”

Modifying plan:Brevard County Commission updates lagoon plan with emphasis on sewers and oysters

For Feltner, the solution involves reimagining how construction is done.

“We are doing things at home to be more mindful about what ends up in the river,” he said. “The people in Brevard County are thinking a lot differently about it today, and that every one of us is committed to cleaning out the river.”

Steciuk said she wants to take a multicounty approach and to involve surrounding agencies.

Finances could play a role for determining who will win this contest.

Armstrong and Feltner are far ahead of their rivals. 

Armstrong has amassed $208,000, with $207,000 of that his own money. He has spend $8,585 so far, most of that on his filing fee, advertising and signs.

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Feltner has raised $179,475 so far. He put $100,000 of his own money into the campaign, and also received 138 other cash contributions. Feltner also lists $3,513 in in-kind contributions, with $1,883 from his own money and $1,630 of that coming from others.

Feltner's campaign contributors include former Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos, former Florida House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, Florida Rep. Erin Grall, former Florida Rep. Jason Steele, Public Defender Blaise Trettis, Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers, District 3 Brevard County Commissioner John Tobia, former District 2 County Commissioner Bryan Lober, and District 2 County Commission candidate and former Cocoa Beach Mayor Dave Netterstrom. He also received donations from the businesses of former District 2 County Commissioner Jim Barfield, former District 1 County Commissioner Robin Fisher, Canaveral Port Authority Commissioner Micah Loyd and Brevard School Board member Matt Susin. Other campaign donations came from a political committee, attorneys, hoteliers, lobbyists, Victory Casino Cruises and The Viera Co.

Feltner has spend $24,442 so far on his campaign, with some of his larger expenses going to buying tables of tickets and related program advertisements for political-related dinners and similar events. 

Sullivan has raised $11,410 in cash (including $9,570 of her own money) and $586 in in-kind contributions (including $321 of her own money). She has spent $6,701, much of it for yard signs, banners, business cards, stickers, T-shirts, hats and advertising to promote her campaign. 

Steciuk has raised $3,600, and spent $3,424 — all of that on a candidate filing fee to get on the ballot and another fee to the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Office.

Aiello, the write-in candidate, lists no campaign donations or spending.

Ralph Chapoco is government and politics watchdog reporter. You can reach Chapoco at and follow him on Twitter @rchapoco .

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