By Mary Mrad For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 08:18 EDT, 26 April 2019 | Updated: 23:10 EDT, 26 April 2019
United Australia Party leader Clive Palmer has been slammed as a hypocrite after it was revealed his 'Make Australia Great' signs are made in China.
The politician's campaign slogan, printed on bright yellow signs throughout the country, was made to advertise his focus on boosting Australia's employment rate and local manufacturing.
But it doesn't seem to be an idea the politician has taken too seriously, with some of his corflutes being created in China.
Clive Palmer has been criticised as his 'Make Australia Great' signs are made in China
The corflutes say they are authorised by Clive Palmer, but made in China. A party spokesman said the signs were ordered from overseas due to time constraints
'Printed by Dongguan Jianxin Plastic Products Co Ltd. 94 Qingfend East Road, Shijien, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China,' the poster read.
Last month, it was revealed the campaign t-shirts were also made in China and former actor Bryan Wiseman, who was running for UAP, quit as a result.
An image of the billboard was shared to Reddit and users have criticised the politician's decision to print his signs abroad.
'Clive Palmer is the personification of every negative stereotype about politicians all rolled into a single person,' one person said.
'This is so funny when you consider the fear campaign about China Palmer's been sending out over the last few months,' another said.
One person commented: 'Everything about this guy is funny and bizarre, yet he wins votes, saving Aussies from China by printing s**t in China.'
'Like, make Australia great? Just signalling that he is both a racist piece of s**t and hugely unoriginal about it,' another said.
It was revealed the campaign t-shirts were also made in China and former actor Bryan Wiseman who was running for UAP quit
A United Australia Party spokesperson told the Courier Mail the party had spent 98.5 per cent of the printing budget in Australia and only 1.5 per cent in China.
'Time frames also meant printing of corflutes needed to be done overseas,' the spokesman said.
Mr Palmer has also previously attacked the 'communist Chinese government' for stealing Australia's resources in 2014 and described them as 'mongrels' who 'shoot their own people' and 'haven't got a justice system.'
Mr Palmer has spent more than $27million on newspaper ads, television ads and billboards around the country.
Other major political parties spent an average of $16 million for the 2016 elections, according to Nielsen.
An image of the billboard was shared to Reddit and users have criticised the politician's decision to print his signs abroad
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