Council denies pole sign variances -

2022-05-14 01:59:41 By : Ms. Christine Zhao

The Homewood City Council on June 9 voted to deny two pole sign variances at downtown businesses.

The first request came for the Rosedale Central development, which includes Cahaba Cycles, Domestique Coffee and will soon include Dogtopia, a doggy daycare business. While the design group modified their request, the council denied the request, arguing it was now more of a monument sign, which would mean a monument sign variance was needed.

The city no longer approves pole signs, and while many were grandfathered in, when those businesses are abandoned or changed in any way, the signs must be changed, said Councilor Jennifer Andress.

The sign would rise above the connected businesses, which are located in the former Jim and Jim’s Body Shop. The sign would eventually include the logos for the businesses, with business owners telling the council it helps with visibility from 18th Street.

The council also denied a request from The Battery, which was seeking a pole sign for its business and Interior Elements. Those businesses are located at the former Little Donkey location at 2821 Central Avenue.

Councilor Andy Gwaltney said the proposed sign is a “good example” of how to do a pole sign, and was the only councilor to vote yes on the matter, but the rest of the council voted no.

The council also approved a contract with the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham for an APPLE study on U.S. 31. The study will examine possibilities for road safety improvements, pedestrian access and efficiency improvements from the intersection of U.S. 31 and Saulter Lane to Ventura Avenue.

Mayor Patrick McClusky was tasked with determining whether or not to make Juneteenth a city holiday in 2023 by the council. Councilor Nick Sims asked if it could be done in time for this year’s holiday, but McClusky said he was studying it for next year, as it would have to be paid for in the next fiscal year’s budget.

In other business, the council:

Approved two roof sign variances at 2821 Central Avenue

Dropped a request for McClusky to sign a purchase agreement with NAFECO for fire equipment, as funding will not be available until next fiscal year

Dropped a request for a front yard fence variance at 1669 Beckham Drive, by request of the petitioner

Approved five sign variances at 740 Shades Creek Parkway

Approved sponsoring 4th of July fireworks with Vulcan Park Foundation

Authorized McClusky to sign a 36-month lease with Ameritek for city copiers

Authorized McClusky to sign the annual maintenance agreement with Motorola for a radio system and a NICE recorder

Approved spending $42,225 to level out Yorkshire Drive to alleviate problems on the road

Declared a fire trailer being donated to the Sumiton Fire Department as surplus

Approved a request for permission to work in the city right of way to install pipe under Oxmoor Road at 596 Forest Drive, pending an indemnification agreement

Approved a request to keep and make improvements to an existing sign in the right of way at 3507 Old Montgomery Highway

Consented to the amended and consolidated declaration of easements for Brookwood Medical Center

Carried over a request to release a lien at 1117 Hardwick Lane

Set a public hearing for the annexation of 314 Happy Lane for Aug. 22, to accommodate the 90-day annexation process

Approved a request for a tent variance at 2818 18th Street South for Shaia’s 100th anniversary celebration set for May 15

Set public hearings for May 23 for the following requests:

Front yard fence variance at 2827 16th Place South

Rear yard fence in the right of way at 1509 Valley Place

Sign variances at 2701 18th Street South, Suite 101 and separate variances for Suite 105 at the same address