
2022-08-26 20:42:34 By : Ms. Candice Ma

You’re all caught up!

Dear Resurrection Family, This week most of our children or grandchildren started back to school. Our granddaughter, Stella, began third grade. I’ve been praying for Resurrection children, youth, college students, parents, teachers and all who work in the schools. This weekend is our Fall Kick-off at church. Our kids are moving up a grade in Sunday School, we have sign-ups for fall programs, and we’ll have our worship kick-off. We have treats at each location after worship as well as fun activities and giveaways for our children and students to remind them of their faith while at school. It’s going to be an awesome weekend!

In my message this weekend, called A Defining Moment, we’ll remember who we are, as God’s children, and we’ll remember God’s purpose and vision for our congregation. I believe it will be one of the most important sermons of the year for our congregation. We’ll remember some of the defining scriptures that have shaped our congregation, I’ll take a few moments to update you on our denomination, and I’ll share with you some cool things coming up in the life of our church that you’ll want to be a part of. In the end, I’ll encourage you to remember who you are, and to recommit yourself to Christ’s mission for your life and for our church. It will be an exciting weekend in worship.

Our fall kick-off theme is “Homecoming,” and if you consider Resurrection your church home, I hope you’ll join us for worship in person if you can, or online if you are outside the Kansas City area.

As I mentioned above, this weekend is also when our children and students begin a new year in Sunday School. We have some fun fall kick-off giveaways across all locations this weekend, and we'll also share some yummy treats, and enjoy interactive fun for the whole family! Our student ministries start Sunday school this weekend, and then will have an open house for students and parents Wednesday at all locations.

*If you worship at 11 am traditional at Leawood, this is our last weekend to have Craig Theis leading the orchestra. He is moving to Denver where he has a terrific opportunity. If you see him, please thank him for his years of service – it’s been a great blessing to have him as part of our team

In 2019, we set a series of goals for the next decade. Among those was to play a part in bringing Kansas City together during the divisive election seasons. Every two years, through 2030, we’re launching a campaign focused on bringing people together. In 2020 we had the “Love Your Neighbor” campaign. This fall, particularly the month before the election, we’ll be launching the BE campaign: Be Just, Be Kind, Be Humble based upon Micah 6:8, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with God.”

Throughout the fall we’ll engage in deliberate acts of kindness and share the message that God expects us to do justice, act with kindness and walk humbly with God through T-shirts, yard signs, advertising and social media. The BE Campaign culminates in October when I’ll be preaching on what it looks like to live into the Micah 6:8 scripture, and each week we will offer challenges for intentional acts of justice, humility and kindness. Right now, we're getting ready and spreading the word!

We have a website where you can learn more about the campaign, take a pledge to join the movement to be more just, kind and humble, order t-shirts and reserve yard signs. T-shirts are $8 for adults and $5 for children. Yard signs are free, but you need to reserve yours in advance. Deadline for orders is September 1, with pick up later in the month. If you worship with us outside the Kansas City area, you can arrange to have t-shirts shipped and download the artwork to print your own yard signs.

Join Resurrection tomorrow to serve in the community. We still have spots open. Just go to the website, find a place to serve, sign up and show up. This is a great way to get to know other Resurrection folks and see some of the amazing organizations serving our community.

Small groups and Bible studies are also kicking off this fall, and you still have time to sign up. Go to the website to learn more, find a group that works for you, and sign up before August 31! If you’re looking to meet in person, we’ll have multiple groups meeting at our physical locations on Wednesday nights, with childcare provided. If you are interested in a more traditional Bible study, check out Disciple Bible Study here.

Drop in for a Leawood Sanctuary and Stained Glass Window Tour this Homecoming Sunday at 1:00 pm or on select dates throughout the rest of 2022. Our Sanctuary is uniquely designed to be a sacred space, a sermon in architecture and a tool through which we strive towards our vision of changing lives, renewing churches and transforming the community. Hear from one of our knowledgeable Tour Guides and get a special close-up view at our Leawood location. Click here to see dates/times available and RSVP or visit to book a group tour or for more details.

We are looking for Church of the Resurrection artifacts. Do you have newspaper clippings, logoed items like hats, t-shirts, specialty items, or maybe even a bulletin from the 1990s stored away that you would be willing to get rid of? We’d like to use it for a special project. If you have items you’re willing to part with, please contact Cathy Bien at

Donating blood is an easy way to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors, and you may save a life! With the Labor Day Holiday weekend coming up, blood donation needs always increase.

Blood drive dates and times are listed below. Appointments are strongly encouraged. Walk-ins will be safely worked in as space allows. Masks are optional. Just click on the location name for details and a registration link.

At Tuesday Night Vespers, I’ll be sharing a conversation with Dr. Nicole Price. Dr. Price is a follower of Christ, an author and a leadership development expert. She’s been leading our staff efforts at diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. She is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer who has worked with a number of Kansas City area companies. We’ll talk about how we, as Christians, might live with greater empathy towards others. I have appreciated her ministry and I thought you might enjoy listening in on our conversation. You can join me Tuesday night at 7:30 pm CT live on Facebook or catch the replay on YouTube.

Miracle of Innocence, led by Resurrection Pastor Darryl Burton, will hold their 5th Annual Celebration event on Friday, September 9, in the Resurrection Leawood Foundry (Building B). Miracle of Innocence is a non-profit organization to help free innocent men and women from prison and provide care for them when they come home. The event features dinner, dancing, and a live and silent auction. Resurrection Worship Director Isaac Cates will provide music at the gala. If you are interested in attending or donating, you can learn more here.

I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend for Homecoming as we kick-off an exciting fall at Resurrection! Adam

Reverend Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection and the author of 22 books. He has been married to LaVon since 1982, and she has been a critical partner in every dimension of Adam’s work. They have two daughters and one granddaughter.

Adam's writings are known for helping readers make sense of challenging theological questions, exploring the significance of the biblical stories, and equipping Christian leaders to be more effective in their work. He earned his MDiv from Perkins School of Theology and graduated with honors from Oral Roberts University with a degree in Pastoral Ministry.

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