Insulting signs at center of Lake Jackson neighborhood dispute |

2022-09-16 20:34:19 By : Mr. James Zhang

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LAKE JACKSON, Texas — There's a yard on Pine Street in Lake Jackson that you cannot miss thanks to signs like, “My neighbor is a Karen,” and others featuring words we’ve decided not to show.

“I don’t know how to perceive it as anything other than filth,” said one neighbor during a recent city council meeting.

“I’d like to set the house on fire," said another neighbor.  "And that’s kind of a hard thing to say from the widow of a fireman.”

Fired-up neighbors say the signs cropped up amid an ongoing dispute that’s anything but neighborly.

"I feel like I moved into a neighborhood where they can, they’re used to dictating how you live," said Gloria Williams.

She's the one who put up the signs after she said so-called “Karens” repeatedly called police on her for things ranging from loud music to barking dogs, including one the next-door neighbor claims she tried to sic on him.

“My neighbor is a Karen.” Good fences make good neighbors. But a fence fight apparently started an ongoing dispute in Lake Jackson. We’ll have to blur some of the signs one homeowner put up. I’ll have more from those involved + what the city says: @KHOU at 6:00 #khou11

His wife has also been cited for harassment thanks to an initial argument with Williams over their shared fence.

"It’s just like escalating more and more and more," said Williams.  "I have a right to live here too.”

City Manager Modesto Mundo told us issues with the number of signs, or accumulation, have been addressed in addition to their size.

"As it presently stands, all the signage is in compliance with the city ordinances,” said Mundo.

Neighbors not directly involved in the dispute said they wish both sides would take the advice of some city leaders during the council meeting.

"I would hope they could resolve this peacefully and, you know, let’s move on and be adults," said neighbor Israel Lopez.  "Grow up.”

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