Jason Momoa SLAMMED for climate hypocrisy as star is accused of 'demonizing plastic bottles' | Daily Mail Online

2022-11-23 17:34:00 By : Mr. sealock sealock

By Eve Buckland For Dailymail.Com

Published: 17:21 GMT, 17 November 2022 | Updated: 17:44 GMT, 17 November 2022 Plastic Mineral Water Bottle

Jason Momoa SLAMMED for climate hypocrisy as star is accused of

Jason Momoa has been accused of climate hypocrisy and plugging his own water brand after he encouraged fans to use aluminum cans over plastic bottles in a recent video.  

Back in a September video the actor, 43,  buzzed off his long hair to bring awareness to the single-use plastics crisis - encouraging fans to switch over to reusable water bottles, while prominently sipping from an aluminum water bottle from his brand Mananalu.

The star, who has long campaigned for ocean conservation, was called out in a full-page ad from the Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE) in USA Today on Thursday - with the star's video blasted as a cynical ploy to make money for his own company.

Oh dear: Jason Momoa has been accused of climate hypocrisy and plugging his own water brand after he encouraged fans to use aluminum cans over plastic bottles in a recent video

The ad headline read: 'DOES MOMOA CARE ABOUT THE PLANET OR PROFITS?' along with the text: 'Jason Momoa’s new movie Slumberland must have him dreaming if he believes canned water will help the planet. 

'He might make money off cans, but the planet will suffer.'

The ad features a link to the website  MoronicMomoa.com with a video explaining that aluminum is more damaging to the environment than plastics.  

The video said: 'Jason Momoa recently delivered a self-serving statement on the environment

Video: Back in a September video the actor, 43, buzzed off his long hair to bring awareness to the single-use plastics crisis - encouraging fans to switch over to reusable water bottles, while prominently sipping from an aluminum water bottle from his brand Mananalu

'The silly message was a stunt that involved shaving off some of his long locks

'The haircut was apparently linked to saving the planet because it brought attention to switching plastic bottles for aluminum ones. He claims the switch will help save the planet but like the required suspension of belief when watching his movies, we're now to believe that aluminum cans are better than plastic bottles

'Plastic bottles are better than aluminum ones as the bottles are made of ultra-thin multi-use plastic, they're easily recycled and aluminum ones are littered five times more than plastic...

'Bauxite emits twice the greenhouse gas of plastic bottle production.'

Speaking to Fox News, Richard Berman, the executive director of CORE, accused Momoa of being a hypocrite for 'touting his overpriced canned water' instead of encouraging recycling.  

Fury: The star, who has long campaigned for ocean conservation, was called out in a full-page ad from the Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE) - with his video blasted as a cynical ploy to make money for his own company.

He said: 'Jason Momoa is attempting to hoodwink his fans into believing he cares about the environment by demonizing plastic water bottles. But unlike the setting of his new movie, this isn’t the dream world, and he can’t fool his fans. 

'The actor founded an aluminum canned water company—a material that is dirty to produce and a product that is littered five times more than plastic water bottles. If Momoa cared about the planet, he’d encourage recycling instead of touting his overpriced canned water,'

DailyMail.com has contacted representatives for Jason Momoa for comment. 

CORE also criticized Ball, a glass and aluminum manufacturer, who package Momoa's Mananalu water and own 49 per cent of the company.

CORE says the company has a long record of  environmental destruction, and in 2010 was 'rated the 65th worst air polluter in America by the University of Massachusetts.'

They slammed Momoa's decision to ship his bottles using Amazon, from  Mananalau’s facilities in North Carolina and packaged in plastic bubble wrap

Awareness: Jason shaved his head to bring awareness to the single-use plastics crisis

Jason's clip to bring awareness to the single-use plastics crisis saw his trademark long locks shorn off. He has spent many years campaigning for the removal of plastic from the oceans

'Aloha, everyone,' he began before breaking into a laugh. 'Hand me those braids.'

He then explained he made the decision to shave his head to raise awareness for how many single-use plastics are used and thrown away. 

'I'm tired of these plastics bottles. We got to stop [using] plastic forks. All that s***,' the See star ranted. 'It goes into our land, into our ocean.' 

He continued,'It's just so sad, so please anything you can do to eliminate single-use plastic in your lives, help me.'

Momoa encouraged people to switch over to canteens and other reusable water bottles rather than plastic water bottles. 

The Game of Thrones star captioned the clip, 'heres to new beginnings let’s spread the aloha. be better at protecting our land and oceans. we need to cut single use plastics out of our lives and out of our seas. plastic bottles, plastic bags ,packaging, utensils all of it. let’s aloha our ‘āina together aloha j. @mananalu.water.' 

In June this year he was named  an Advocate for Life Below Water by the United Nations.

Showing off his cut hair: 'Aloha, everyone,' he began before breaking into a laugh. 'Hand me those braids'

He said: 'With this designation, I hope to continue my own journey to protect and conserve the ocean and all living things on our beautiful blue planet, for our generation and the generations to come.'

In 2019  the actor urged world leaders at the United Nations to pay attention to climate change

He spoke out during a session about SAMOA Pathway, the 2014 U.N. program aimed at Small Island Developing States.

The Honolulu, Hawaii native noted that island nations are on 'the front lines in this environmental crisis' and often bear the brunt of heavy ocean pollution and impact of industry.

'Island nations contribute the least to this disaster, but are made to suffer the weight of its consequences,' said the actor. 'Our governments and corporate entities have known for decades that immediate change is needed. Yet change still has not come.'

He added that 'entire islands are drowning into the sea due to the enormous volume of emissions generated by first world countries.'

Haircut: The 43-year-old actor shared a clip where his trademark long locks were shaved off

The 6ft4 screen star took to Instagram with a clip of his speech for his 13.4 million followers about the high-profile outing.

'For those who couldn’t watch it live, watch me fumble through my very honest and direct speech,' he wrote. 'No BS. Nothing sugar coated, just straight from the heart. We’ve been half a**ing our global efforts to reverse the climate crisis and this can’t continue.'  

The actor said conditions need to change immediately 'for the future of our planet,' adding that 'the wave of change is coming' for Small Island Developing States.

In a separate post, he called the speech 'a life changing moment,' adding that it was 'a true honor to represent island nations at the UN.'

Using his voice: In 2019 Aquaman star Jasonspoke out on climate change at the U.N. in a session about SAMOA Pathway, a program aimed at Small Island Developing States

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Jason Momoa SLAMMED for climate hypocrisy as star is accused of

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