Living in MAGA land

2022-09-09 20:55:37 By : Mr. Mike Xu

I finally did it. I took an image of the MAGA sign in a neighbor’s yard. I took it from a range of nearly a quarter mile at 16x.  The “Miss me yet?” was legible and the faded profile recognizable. Then when I put it in the above image spot, the very notion of it accompanying anything of my own repelled me so much that I deleted it and instead inserted this image of a Horned Owl I captured yesterday about a half hour before dawn. 

As I was mowing a portion of our yard near the road with a push mower yesterday, that very neighbor with the MAGA sign in his yard rounded the corner and passed beside me. I stopped pushing the mower as he passed, so that clippings or possibly a small rock wouldn’t be blown against his vehicle. I waved. He waved back. Such chance encounters are the complete extent of our interactions. I’ve never had a conversation with him and don’t intend to ever initiate a conversation with him because he publicizes his way of thinking with his yard signs. 

Another neighbor has a firing range in his yard where he and some of his friends sometimes practice firing high caliber, semi automatic rifles.  He owns about 2 acres and it borders the far end of our farm, about a half mile from our house. Except for the dirt berm he has erected, he keeps most of his property clipped short, with almost no shrubbery. A small portion of our property line fence borders his yard. He mows as close as he can to that fence, yet woody seedlings come up beneath the barbed wire fence that are out of his riding mower’s reach. If they get too big, he would have difficulty seeing  oncoming traffic when entering the highway from his driveway. I recently walked down the road, shears, saw and stump killer in hand. I walked into his yard, cut the woody seedlings beneath our border fence and applied stump killer. I’ve never had a conversation with him either, but have indirect evidence that he too is a MAGA type. All his vehicles were there while I was doing my work, but I never saw him. 

There is also a latino family living across the road from our property. Their mail box has been struck by something at least once and is kind of tilted. I recently clipped our stretch of right of way, carefully avoiding that mailbox, which was nearly hidden by weeds. I returned on foot and cut all the weeds around that mail box. I did see one of the residents of that house, a woman. I waved at her. She waved back.

People around here don’t know what my political views are. I don’t display them in our yard. I don’t orate through a loud speaker. I think I’m probably safe from rioting in the streets. Besides, we have no streets here in Dot, KY,  merely roads.