YORK, Maine — A rainbow-colored yard sign created by the town's Committee to Combat Racism and Bias has spurred debate in recent weeks on social media, at Board of Selectmen meetings, among town officials and on the front lawns of some residents.
Shortly after the committee began to disseminate its signs and stickers around town, a nearly identical rainbow-colored sign appeared outside one York Street home, albeit with a different message.
The committee's signs affirm six points, based on the six "therefore" statements in the town's Proclamation Against Racism, Discrimination and Bigotry: "York believes ... welcome matters, action matters, systems matter, education matters, training matters, Black Lives Matter."
The sign that that appeared shortly thereafter followed the same format as the committee's signs, but it affirms six different points: "We believe liberty matters, free speech matters, veterans matter, police matter, peace matters, life matters."
York resident Charlie Black II said in an online community forum that he created the counter sign because he didn’t agree with the message the town was sending through its sign.
“We personally don’t support the Black Lives Matter organization, but we support the right of our neighbors to do so,” he wrote.
Black described the Black Lives Matter organization as anti-police and overtly political, and he took issue with the town speaking on behalf of all residents. He was among dozens who spoke during the Board of Selectmen meeting on July 26 to raise concerns about the town's anti-racism proclamation and related signage.
'York believes...' Town prints anti-racist posters, rainbow 'welcome' signs
In a statement to the select board in June, the town's anti-bias committee sought to clarify that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" in the anti-racism proclamation refers to calls for solidarity with a historically marginalized group, not to an organization by that name. But some community members who spoke during the July 26 select board meeting, including Black, rejected that clarification.
"What makes the name, which was originally just a hashtag, so clever is that one can't write or utter the term 'Black Lives Matter' and at the same time separate the political group from the concept," Black said during the board's meeting. "Nobody I know would argue that Black lives don't matter, but it shouldn't be the first thing that a person sees when venturing to our town's website."
Black said his sign has been met with a positive response from fellow York residents.
“We put out our own sign with a message that we felt more comfortable with, and many people have voiced their support and asked where they can get a similar sign,” he wrote in the online forum.
Black said his sign is free, with a suggested $15 donation. Funds raised will go toward more signs, depending on the level of interest, or to help local lobsterman and retired firefighter Nathanial Marshall Gardner, who is unable to work due to a renewed battle with cancer, he added.
In 2019, Black hung a "Thin Blue Line" flag at his home in honor of his late father, Maine State Trooper Charles C. Black, who was killed in the line of duty in 1964. The flag became a point of contention in discussions around racism, police brutality and diversity within the town, and Black said the recent signs created by the anti-bias committee brought back hurtful memories for him and his mother, Mary Black Andrews, who also spoke during the select board's July 26 meeting.
July 26:Anti-racism proclamation again dominates York Board of Selectmen meeting
Members of the York anti-bias committee's art subcommittee responded to Black's rebuttal sign with a letter to the editor that appeared in The York Weekly. They wrote that they are "excited to see the creation of additional signs affirming the values of liberty and free speech, that veterans matter as do police, not least peace and life in general."
"None of these values are exclusive of the ones committed to in the Proclamation, or vice versa," they wrote. "York is strong and resilient enough for all, and like our welcome card assures everyone, 'We’re glad you’re here!'"
Letter:Welcome signs popping up in York
In addition to its yard sign, the town's anti-racism committee also created a sticker and sign design that has only the word "Welcome," which has also been seen in business windows and town buildings.
Black and Andrews aren't the only people in town who have expressed discomfort with the York welcome signs, which were placed by the anti-bias committee at some town facilities.
Town Manager Steve Burns said rumblings of employees who were opposed to the sign began to percolate once signs were positioned on town-owned property. A few of the signs went missing, but town employees did not take them, Burns said.
"I did hear some rumblings about the 'York believes' signs ... that obviously caught some people's attention more than others," he said.
At the request of The York Weekly, Burns released a copy of an email he had sent July 20 to all town employees, outlining tensions related to the town's signs.
In the email, Burns wrote that he had informed department heads the week prior that the Committee to Combat Racism and Bias would place signs at many town facilities. That created discomfort for some town employees, prompting him to respond, Burns said.
"I would like you all to know that my intention in having those signs posted was not to make any of you uncomfortable, but to reinforce the policy position taken by the Board of Selectmen," Burns wrote.
"I would be shocked if there is any fundamental disagreement among us about the goal of combating racism and bias," he added.
Burns said he expects there will be varying perspectives on how to achieve this shared goal, and he described his own personal and professional growth in educating himself on systemic racism and bias.
“Silence is, in fact, support of a status quo that for centuries has disadvantaged many communities of people,” he wrote.
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Burns thanked employees for their patience and understanding as the town advances the “very necessary” task of advocating against racism and bias.
“I don’t pretend to have all the answers,” he wrote. “I can assure you all that I don’t know all the right words and all the right ways to be a better, more respectful person … it feels like there are many stumbling blocks along this path, and yet I truly believe it is the right path.”
Burns told employees the town has ordered more "Welcome" signs. Moving forward, both the "Welcome" and "York believes" signs will be available for display at town facilities, he said.
“We need more dialogue," Burns said. "We need to educate ourselves. We need to be respectful of each other’s beliefs and perspectives, even if we don’t always understand or agree ... we need to be willing to forgive others who stumble, and rest assured each of us is likely to stumble from time to time."