RBGA notes roster additions

2022-07-29 20:36:42 By : Mr. Jeremiah .

GODFREY — The RiverBend Growth Association has welcomed Black Crow Designs, BOCO Contracting, Logo It! and Party On Broadway to its roster.

• Black Crow Designs is a do-it-yourself studio that specializes in open and themed painting events, expanding over the past two years to also include bachelorette, bridal, holiday, birthday and other themed painting parties. They host a boutique retail storefront at 2521 State St. in Alton with antiques, upcycled furniture, signs, modern farmhouse décor and offerings from six other local vendors who offer handmade jewelry, candles and gourmet treats.

“We opened our studio doors in January 2020, right before the pandemic hit our area in March of the same year,” said Black Crow Designs owner Ashley Rice. “We remained open, doing Facebook Live events for sales and offering DIY Take-and-Make paint kits for adults and children with curbside pickup. We have continued to grow month after month.

“I started making signs for family and friends in early 2010,” Rice added. “What started in my dining room as making them for gifts grew into taking orders for family and friends. Then I started doing mobile paint parties in 2018, and I was lucky enough to not only do parties in people’s homes but also able to partner with other local businesses like The Brown Bag Bistro and 1818 Pizza. I forged long-lasting relationships that have become special to me.

“Joining the RBGA will help me learn more about the organization, but also about how I can help and give back to my community," she said. "One thing I learned during the pandemic is that this community is strong and united, and I want to be there to help and give back, even if it is just a small piece. I also want to grow both individually and as a business. There are so many successful businesses in this area that I can learn from. I’m honored to be a part of the RBGA community, and look forward to meeting other local small businesses.

For more details visit blackcrowdesignsdiystudio.com or call 618-604-4860. Special custom orders are welcome for people who cannot find what they are looking for in the shop.

• BOCO Contracting in Brighton, established in 2014 by two Iraq War veterans, is a CVE-certified as a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business.

The company specializes in complete facility ground maintenance services and outdoor services. Those services include turf care, mowing, irrigation maintenance, ground cleaning, sodding, fertilizing, and more. They also provide large/specialized tree removal services, where the number of trees involved in a project could be 10, 100, or more.

“We joined the RBGA to support and network with other businesses throughout the Riverbend area,” said BOCO President Josh Coggins. “As members, we plan to support other Riverbend area businesses while growing our business as well.”

BOCO has sites in Illinois and Missouri and provides services throughout the Midwest. To learn more call 618-974-9040 or visit bococontracting.com.

• Logo It! is a promotional marketing company that specialize in screen printing, embroidery, promotional products, heat transfer, sublimation, business printing, trophies, banners, yard signs and more.

“We were a member of the RiverBend Growth Association for years but needed to put our membership on hold when COVID hit,” noted Carley Hamberg of Logo It! “We look forward to our reconnection with the RBGA. Our membership really helped us grow our business before and gave us opportunities we would not have gotten if we were not members. And we also look forward to being back in the community.”

Established in 1998, the company is determined still today to lead in the corporate, group, and team identity arenas. Its mission is to provide attention to detail with a proactive approach to customer relationships – an investment that will reap a lifetime of business success. They stay in tune with what each client’s needs are, with quick turnarounds and guidance through a general idea just being part of providing quality service.

Located at 2603 State S. in Alton, Logo It! can be reached at 618-462-1899 or wecanlogoit.com.

• Party On Broadway is a downtown do-it-yourself shop that has been serving customers since 2015. They offer different options for DIY painting as well as completed projects for sale through their retail shop. Finished projects may also be custom ordered, and they host events both on-site and out in the community.

A full menu of options is available to DIYers through Party On Broadway in addition to their retail storefront. They host open studio/open paint where customers choose a project from in-stock options. They also host classes, workshops, private studio sessions, mobile parties, fundraisers and corporate events. They also offer at-home kits.

“When we opened, we were a one-of-a-kind studio in the area,” said Party On Broadway owner Vickie Hopkins. “Our focus was canvas painting and Pinterest-styled parties. We later expanded into wood projects like signs, monograms, names, stenciled projects, jewelry porch leaners, barn quilts, and Bisque projects. We offer all popular styles of décor options: farmhouse, modern farmhouse, boho, etcetera. And we try to use sustainable materials whenever possible.

“Party On Broadway joined the RBGA in order to learn about other businesses and events in the Riverbend area,” Hopkins added. “We love to collaborate with others, and love promoting other small businesses and events that are going on in the area. Connecting and collaborating in the community is something we always try to support. We want to get to know you and your business, and for you to know us, to feel comfortable referring business to us or inviting us to be a part of your event.”

Located at 307 E. Broadway in Alton, Party On Broadway can be reached at 314-795-9003 or partyonbroadway.com.

The RiverBend Growth Association is the Chamber of Commerce and economic development organization for the 11 communities known as the Riverbend. For more information visit growthassociation.com or call 618-467-2280.