We also have some items on our classroom wish list that are optional for you to contribute. It is not required that wish list items be sent, however, if you can send some of the items it is greatly appreciated:
School Supply List Download - English
Students need an instrument in good, working order. For students in low-income families, there are school instruments that can be loaned to them.
An optional donation of facial tissues will be accepted in each student’s 1st period class.
Students will not be issued lockers in the fall due to COVID. Students may choose to bring a backpack to school daily to keep their binder, lunch, and coat in.
Cascade School Supply List 2021-2022 Download
Columbia Heights School Supply List 2021-2022 Download
(No Trapper Keepers or binders, please)
Please do not send the following:
felt pens, water colors, paper, or individual pencil sharpener. If we should need any of these items, we will send a note.
Please label all backpacks. All grades require tennis shoes for P.E. All students need a cloth face mask. Individual teachers may require additional items.
CVG School Supplies 2021-2022 - Download
**additional items may be requested for specific courses
School Supply List Download - English
**Will share, tissue, paper, pencils, dry erase pens, big pink erasers**
Kessler School Supplies List 2021-2022 - Download
It is important to have this specific size. Office Depot has this size in store brand or 5 Star.
As school clothes are purchased for the 2021-2022, please keep the dress code in mind.
School Supply List Download - English
*Clorox and Purell are the only approved brands authorized for use in the Longview School District
Mint Valley School Supply List 2021-2022
Refer to your schedule for your elective class.
Mr. VanZanten Fitness: 8th Grade
Math: Check with Math teacher
Please remember that supplies need to be replenished throughout the school year (pencil, paper) and some additional supplies may be required throughout the year (example: note cards, poster board). The beginning of the school year is a great time to stock up. Please do weekly checks at home to make sure your child’s binder is organized and well-stocked with supplies.
Individual teachers may require additional items.
Mt. Solo School Supplies 2021-2022 Download
*Please supply a cloth face covering
Optional: Clorox wipes, Crayola Markers, Ziploc bags (sandwich or gallon), highlighters
Northlake School Supplies 2021-2022 Download
Students must have tennis shoes for P.E.
Olympic School Supplies 2021-2022 Download
**additional items may be requested for specific courses
School Supply List Download - English
Longview School District only allows these specific brands….CLOROX WIPES & PURELL HAND SANITZER!
Robert Gray School Supplies 2021-2022 Download
Personal Items: (Please Label)
Classroom Supplies: (Do Not Label)
Classroom Supplies: (Please Do Not Label)
Classroom Supplies: (Do Not Label)
Personal Items: (Please Label)
Classroom Supplies: (Do Not Label)
Classroom Supplies: (Do Not Label)
***Individual teachers may require additional items for the classroom after the start of the school***
St. Helens School Supply List Download