
2022-07-22 20:30:31 By : Ms. Linda Chi

The July 26, 2022, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the Zoom Webinar event platform.

Please be advised of the following appeals to be heard on July 26, 2022, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and related announcements. All matters listed on this July 26, 2022, hearing agenda have been noticed in accordance with the enabling act.

Please be advised of the following participation instructions: The July 26, 2022, hearing will be held virtually via video teleconference and telephone via the zoom webinar event platform.

Interested persons can participate in the hearing REMOTELY by going to our online meeting. You may also participate by phone by calling into the Zoom Webinar at 301-715-8592 and entering the Webinar ID: 996 0844 0932 followed by # when prompted.

If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please sign up online. Please provide your name, address, the address and/or BOA number of the appeal on which you wish to speak, and if you wish to speak in support of or opposition to the project.

For individuals who need translation assistance, please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by signing up online, calling 617-635-4775, or emailing

The ZBA Ambassador will be available within the Zoom Webinar Event from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. to answer questions about ZBA procedures and offer instructions on how to participate in the hearing via Zoom. Questions and/or concerns can also be emailed to the ZBA Ambassador at

If you wish to offer comment within the meeting platform, please use the “Raise Hand” function that should appear on the bottom of your screen, if connected by computer or device, or dial *9, if connected by phone. On a computer or device, you will receive a request to unmute yourself from the event host. You must select yes before you can speak. On a phone, you will hear a prompt that the event host is asking you to unmute yourself. You must press *6 to unmute yourself before you can speak. Commenters will be asked to state their name, address and comment. Comments will be limited as time requires.

If you wish to offer testimony on an appeal, please log in to the hearing no later than 8:30 a.m. to ensure your connection is properly functioning.

The hearing can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website. Closed captioning is available.

Interested persons who are unable to participate in the hearing remotely may make an appointment to appear in person at City Hall for a virtual access option. Please notify the Board at least 48 HOURS in advance either by calling 617-635-4775 or emailing for accommodations to be made.

Members of the community are strongly encouraged to help facilitate the virtual hearing process by emailing letters in support of or opposition to an appeal to in lieu of offering testimony online or from BPDA board room. It is strongly encouraged that written comments be submitted to the Board at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. When doing so, please include in the subject line the BOA number, the address of the proposed project, and the date of the hearing.

Case: BOA- 1044130 Address: 218-220 Old Colony Avenue Ward 7 Applicant: George Morancy, Esq

Case: BOA- 770654 Address: 1271-1275 Boylston Street Ward 5 Applicant: Brian R. Judge, Esq

Case: BOA- 578766 Address: 5 Jackson Avenue Ward 3 Applicant: Charles Kim & Carla Kim(by Michael Dello Russo)

Case: BOA-831064 Address: 17 Madeline Street Ward 22 Applicant: Harold McGonagle

Case: BOA- 1033475 Address: 10 Highgate Street Ward 21 Applicant: Jeffrey Drago, Esq

Case: BOA-1318869 Address: 82 Endicott Street Ward 3 Applicant: Anthony Bellanti Article(s): Art. 32 Sec. 32 4Groundwater Conservation Overlay District, Applicability Purpose: Change occupancy from 3 apartments and 1 store, to 3 apartments. To the studs renovation of entire building per plans, addition of back deck, addition of roofdeck private to top floor unit accessed via existing headhouse. Framing, New Electric, plumbing, hvac, sprinkler and fire alarm systems.

Case: BOA-1271035 Address: 62 Putnam Street Ward 1 Applicant: Philip Sima Article(s): Art.53 Sec.08 Use Forbidden Article 27T - 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Article 53, Section 56 OffStreet Parking & Loading Req - Insufficient parking Article 53Section 9 Insufficient additional lot area per unit Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient lot size Article 53Section 9 Excessive f.a.r. Article 53Section 9 Excessive height Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient usable open space per unit Article 53Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback Article 53 Section 9 Insufficient rear yard setback Purpose: Change occupancy from a single family home to a four family home. Also to do interior and exterior renovations including a rear and 3rd story addition and erecting a roof deck.

Case: BOA-1320241 Address: 17 Concord Street Ward 2 Applicant: Luca Robertson Article(s): Art. 62 Sec. 25 Roof Structure Restrictions Purpose: Confirm occupancy as one family. Scope includes full gut renovation of all interiors, extension of living space to basement, new construction of rear second story addition, new rear & front facing shed dormers at the existing 3rd floor, and new 1st floor open air rear deck.

Case: BOA-1346292 Address: 101-117 Atlantic Avenue Ward 3 Applicant: Merchantile Wharf Associates LLP Article(s): Art. 54 Section 12 Use: Conditional - Daycare center is a Conditional use. Purpose: Change Occupancy of the 5577 sf former ground floor restaurant "The Living Room" to KinderCare "Day Care Center". Renovate and connect to adjacent existing 1548 sf "Day Care Center"

Case: BOA-1328776 Address: 121 Saint Botolph Street Ward 4 Applicant: Chris Rapczynski Article(s): Article 41 Section 5 Establishment of Prot. Areas - FAR proposed exceeds 2 Addition proposed exceeds 45' in height Article 41 Section 6 Rooftop Addtns. in Prot. Area - Addition proposed exceeds 45' in height Purpose: Renovate top floor of unit # 4 to relocate kitchen, recapture formerly interior space back as interior space. Refinish existing deck area.

Case: BOA-1152699 Address: 18 Greenwich Street Ward 15 Applicant: Paul Nguyen Article(s): Art. 09 Sec. 01 Reconstruction/Extenion of Nonconfroming Bldg. - Expansion of a Three family f.a.r. in a two family district <25% Conditional Article 65, Section 9 Insufficient side yard setback 10' min. req. Purpose: Repair and replaced 3 rear decks and extend room as per submitted plan.

Case: BOA-1167771 Address: 15 Parkman Street Ward 16 Applicant: Thanh Quoc Tieu, My Thu Thi Ngo & Ping Ya Shen Article(s): Art. 65 Sec. 08 Forbidden - 4 family Forbidden Art. 65 Sec. 9 Residential Dimensional Reg.s - # of allowed stories has been exceeded 2.5 stories max Art. 65 Sec. 9 Residential Dimensional Reg.s - Excessive f.a.r. .4 max Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - Insufficient parking 6 spaces req. (Corrected via revised drawings)Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - (d) Design Parking space size minimal requirements Purpose: Erect 4 family home per attached plan.

Case: BOA- 1322402 Address: 817-819 Beacon Street Ward 21 Applicant: BCH 819 Beacon LLC Article(s): Art. 61, Section 7 Use: Forbidden - Local retail use in MFR Art. 32 Sec. 32 4 Groundwater Conservation Overlay District, Applicability Article 61, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Lot. area minimum and Additional lot area required: 156,000 sqft Proposed in MFR area: 20,909 sqft Article 61, Section 8Dimensional Regulations - Open space required in MFR: 31,200 sqft Proposed: 6,200 sqft Article 61, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Max. FAR allowed in MFR: 2 Proposed FAR: 5.13 Combined lot FAR: 4 Article 61, Section 8 Dimensional Regulations - Building height: Max. allowed: 45' Proposed: 198' (218' including mechanical penthouse which exceeds 33.3% of roof area and while applying Section 61.20) Article 61 Section 11Dimensional Regulations - Min. rear yard required: 25' Proposed: 3.3' Article 61, Section 20 Roof Structure Restrictions - Mechanical penthouses shall be included in measuring the building height if the total area exceeds 10% of the total roof area in roofs over 3,300 sqft Article 61 Section 11Dimensional Regulations - Max. FAR allowed in LC: 2 Proposed FAR: 3.87 Combined lot FAR: 4 Article 61 Section 11Dimensional Regulations - Building height: Max. allowed: 45' Proposed: 198' (218' including mechanical penthouse which exceeds 33.3% of roof area and while applying Section 61.20) Article 61, Section 13 NDOD Purpose : Erect an approximately 280,900 square foot mixed use building consisting of 393 residential rental units, 53 institutional patient family housing units, a 1,600 square foot first floor retail space, below grade parking for 200 vehicles and 8 surface parking spaces (Ancillary parking for abutting property: 829 to 833 Beacon St. on U491303464). 2 loading bays. 6 elevators Combine six parcels into one lot: parcel 1 (lot ID: 2100173000 with 20,909 sft) + parcel 2 (lot ID: 2100172000 with 16,409sqft) + parcel 3 (lot ID: 2100171000 with 12,527 sqft) + parcel 4 (lot ID: 2100172001 with 11,084 sqft) + parcel 5 "Portion of Munson St." (lot ID: N/A with 4,826 sqft) + parcel 6: "Proposed Fenmore Easment Area" (lot ID: 2100171002 with 4,471 sqft). Totaling lot area: 70,226 sqft.

Case: BOA- 1322403 Address: 819 Beacon Street Ward 21 Applicant: BCH 819 Beacon LLC Article(s): Art. 61, Section 7 Use: Conditional - Ancillary use for 3 parking spaces and bike storage (10 bike racks) Art. 61, Section 10 Use: Conditional - Ancillary use for 5 parking spaces Purpose : Construction of 8 ancillary parking spaces as, as shown on stamped plan, for the benefit of 829 833 Beacon Street. This application is associated with ERT1281906.

Case: BOA-1272890 Address: 48-54 Walter Street Ward 18 Applicant: Fred Manigat Article(s): Article 69 Section 11 Use Regulations - Cannabis establishment use: Conditional Purpose: Converting existing warehouse to marijuana cultivation shop.

Case: BOA-1288967 Address: 5252-5270 Washington Street Ward 20 Applicant: Fred Manigat Article(s): Art. 08 Sec.07 Use: Conditional Purpose: Change occupancy from storage to Marijuana Dispensary.

Case: BOA- 1349823 Address: 340 Meridian Street Ward 1 Applicant: 340 Meridian Street LLC Article(s): Art. 53, Section 8 Use: Forbidden - Basement unit: Forbidden Article 53, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 27T 5East Boston IPOD Applicability Purpose: Change the occupancy from a three family dwelling to a four family dwelling. Scope includes a new basement unit with interior renovations of existing building and a new roof deck.

Case: BOA-1340078 Address: 116 Appleton Street Ward 4 Applicant: Eben Kunz Article(s): Article 64 Section 9 Dimensional Regulations - Townhouse / Row House Extensions into Rear Yard Article 64, Section 34 Roof Structure Restrictions - Roof Structure Restrictions Purpose: Amend ALT1182356. Add new Roof Deck with hatch access. Construct new 2nd Level Deck in Rear Yard.

Case: BOA# 1340083 Address: 116 Appleton Street Ward 4 Applicant: Eben Kunz Purpose: Amend ALT1182356. Add new Roof Deck with hatch access. Construct new 2nd Level Deck in Rear Yard. Violation: 9th 780 CMR 1011 Stairways 1011.12.2 Roof access. Where a stairway is provided to a roof, access to the roof shall be provided through a penthouse complying with Section 1510.2. Exception: In buildings without an occupied roof, access to the roof shall be permitted to be a roof hatch or trap door not less than 16 square feet (1.5 m2) in area and having a minimum dimension of 2 feet (610 mm).

Case: BOA-1304352 Address: 136 West Eighth Street Ward 6 Applicant: Homegrown Builders LLC, Matthew Brett Article(s): Article 68, Section 8 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 68, Section 8 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 68, Section 8 Front Yard Insufficient Article 68, Section 8 Side Yard Insufficient Article 68, Section 8 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 68, Section 33 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Proposed parking is insufficient Article 68, Section 33 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - All proposed parking spots are for compact dimensions only. Must not exceed 50% of spots. Article 68, Section 8 Add'l Lot Area Insufficient Art. 25 Sec. 5 Flood Hazard Districts Purpose: Combine vacant Parcels 0600803000 and 0600802000 and build a new construction five family building per attached drawings.

Case: BOA-1299375 Address: 15 Maywood Street Ward 12 Applicant: Whiteacre Properties, Enis Shehu Article(s): Article 50 Section 26 Establish of Res. Subdistricts- four units conditional Art. 50 Sec. 29 Dimensional Requirements - Insufficient additional lot area per unit 2,000sf/unit req. Article 50, Section 43 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Insufficient parking (ERT of record is still under construction) Art. 50 Sec. 29 Excessive f.a.r. Article 50 Section 29 Max allowed Height exceeded Article 50 Section 29 # of allowed stories exceeded Purpose: Changing occupancy from a 3 family to a 4 family and adding a new rear stair.

Case: BOA-1330429 Address: 10 Woodford Street Ward 13 Applicant: Volnay Capital, LLC Article(s): Article 50 Section 28 Use Regulations - Use: Multi family Dwelling: Forbidden Article 50 Section 29 Lot Area Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Lot Width Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Building Height Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Building Height ( # of Stories ) Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Front Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Side Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 50, Section 43 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Off Street Parking Insufficient Purpose: Erect a new 4 story Residential building with 4 Dwelling Units and Roof Deck on existing vacant lot. 

Case: BOA-1330431 Address: 34 Woodford Street Ward 13 Applicant: Volnay Capital, LLC Article(s): Article 50 Section 28 Use Regulations – Use: Multi family Dwelling: Forbidden Article 50 Section 29 Lot Area Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Lot Width Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Building Height Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Building Height ( # of Stories ) Excessive Article 50 Section 29 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Front Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29 Side Yard Insufficient Article 50 Section 29Rear Yard Insufficient Article 50, Section 43 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Off Street Parking Insufficient Purpose: Erect a new 4 story Residential building with 4 Dwelling Units and Roof Deck on existing vacant lot.

Case: BOA- 1346888 Address: 110 Sawyer Avenue Ward 13 Applicant: Harold Raymond Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 65, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Renovation to kitchen, baths and install new sprinkler system as per plans. MEP’s and new roof deck.

Case: BOA- 1291696 Address: 61 Lyndhurst Street Ward 17 Applicant: Joseph Feaster, Esq Article(s): Article 65, Section 32 NDOD Review Required Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 65, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Feet) Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Build a new 2 family dwelling per plans.

Case: BOA-1326899 Address: 324 Cornell Street Ward 20 Applicant: Robert Reissfelder Article(s): Article 67, Section 8 Use: Forbidden - Three Family is a Forbidden use in a 2F 5000 sub district. Article 67, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Purpose: Add/dormer/alteration to existing 3rd floor walkup. Change occupancy from 2 family to 3 family.

Case: BOA-1296380 Address: 49R Imrie Road Ward 21 Applicant: Theresa Conti & Tom Lawless Article(s): Art. 51 Sec. 57.2 Exst'g Bldg Algnmnt Conformity Article 51, Section 57.13 Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Article 51, Section 57 Application of Dimensional Req - 1 building behind another building Article 51, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 51, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Art. 51 Sec. 09 Open Space insufficient Article 51, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 51, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 51, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Purpose: Confirm existing structure as a barn and convert to a single family house, new dormer and renovate, as per plans. Two dwelling structures on one lot. See alt1269324 for 49 Imrie Rd, existing 2 family, no work to be done. This is one of two buildings on the same lot.

Case: BOA-1296381 Address: 49 Imrie Road Ward 21 Applicant: Article(s): Article 51, Section 57.13Two or More Dwellings on Same Lot Article 51, Section 9 Lot Frontage Insufficient Article 51, Section 9 Lot Width Insufficient Art. 51 Sec. 09 Open Space insufficient Purpose: NO WORK TO BE DONE. Filed in conjunction with ALT1269313 49R Imrie Rd, convert barn to a single family. 2 dwelling structures on one lot. This is to be two buildings on one lot.

Case: BOA- 1286603 Address:99 Cottage Street Ward: 1 Applicant: John Smart Article(s): Article 53, Section 52 Roof Structure Restrictions Article 27T 5 East Boston IPOD Applicability Purpose: Replace existing roof deck.

Case: BOA-1318143 Address: 11 Monument Street Ward: 2 Applicant: Mark Little Article(s): Article 62, Section 8 Bldg Height Excessive (Feet) Article 62, Section 25 Roof Structure Restrictions Purpose: Build roof deck as per plans with spiral staircase.

Case: BOA-1322787 Address: 581 Boylston Street Ward: 5 Applicant: Julia Dziuk Article(s): Art. 8, Section 7 Use: Conditional - Body art is a Conditional use in a B 6 90a District. Purpose: To add Body Art use to existing business. From Retail, offices, restaurant, bank, beauty shop, telecommunications, school and retail lunchroom TO INCLUDE BODY ART TATTOOING (PERMANENT COSMETICS/MAKEUP). No work to be done.

Case: BOA- 1343120 Address: 330 K Street Ward: 7 Applicant: Taryn Bone Article(s): Article 68, Section 8 Bldg Height Excessive (Feet) Article 68, Section 29 Roof Structure Restrictions - Proposed work alters roof profile and adds height. Purpose: Add roof deck with headhouse.

Case: BOA- 1335134 Address:158 West Concord Street Ward: 9 Applicant: Sarah Schaffer Raux & Geoffrey M. Raux Article(s):Art. 2A Sec.01 Yard Regulations - Wall exceeds allowed 6 foot height in some areas of both side yards Purpose: Amendment to ALT1256269. Construct two 3' 3" x 11' 9 1/2" brick wing wall extensions.

Case: BOA- 1335900 Address: 14 Blanche Street Ward: 16 Applicant: Michael Feeney Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 32 NDOD Review Required Article 65, Section 15 Use: Forbidden Article 65 Section 41 Off Street Parking and Loading Purpose: To change home from a single family to a 2 family owner occupied residence, Add a door with a window to 3rd floor and exterior stairs/second egress. Confirm home as a one family and change to a two family.

Case: BOA- 1340516 Address: 10 Belton Street Ward: 16 Applicant: John Dorherty Article(s): Article 65, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 65, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: To construct as rear 2nd story addition to the existing single family home as per the attached plans. To facilitate the necessary medical care for the homeowner.

Case: BOA-1334845 Address: 57 Ocean Street Ward: 17 Applicant: Matthew Malloy Article(s): Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - Off street parking shall not be located in the front yard. Purpose: Looking to install a Curb Cut and basic driveway that is 8.5 feet x 20 feet. Located at the front left corner of the lot. See Certified Plot plan with proposed location. Installing this to support an electric vehicle. (The charging port to be installed within 1 to 2 years under a separate permit.)

Case: BOA- 1336189 Address: 2005 Dorchester Avenue Ward: 17 Applicant: Francine Tymes Article(s): Art. 65 Sec. 9 Residential Dimensional Reg.s -Insufficient usable open space identified Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - Location; parking in a required front yard is not allowed (i.e. corner lot rule, two front yards exist) Purpose: Extend the driveway to park vehicles on side of house.

Case: BOA- 1309944 Address: 65 Thompson Street Ward: 18 Applicant: Marareth Mengula Jean Article(s):Article 69 Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 69 Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Purpose: Construct a new 2 story addition in Rear Yard. 

Case: BOA- 1324414 Address: 65 Business Street Ward:18 Applicant: Jason Clements Article(s): Article 10, Section 1Limitation of Area -Limitation of Area of Accessory Uses Article 69 Section 29 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - Off Street Parking Design / Maneuverability ( TandemParking is not Permitted ) Purpose: New curb cut. Install Off Street Parking for 2 cars.

Case: BOA- 1328145 Address: 7 Boylston Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Jin Chung Article(s): Art. 55 Sec. 09 Excessive f.a.r. (Per Architects drawings)Article 55 Sect 40 Off Street Parking & Loading Req - 4. Location (a) No parking allowed in front yard Art. 10 Sec. 01 Limitation of parking areas - 5' Side yard parking space buffer required Purpose: Replace rear deck, Replace front Porch , new vinyl siding , finish attic space with 2 new dormers, install new Roof. Proposed parking to be applied for on a Use of premises permit application.

Case: BOA- 1329432 Address:27 Sherwood Street Ward: 19 Applicant: Cindy Laba Article(s): Article 67, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient - You need relief from BOA for the said violations Note there was no permit pulled for the said enclosed front porch but there is a violation that has not been corrected pertaining the enclosed front porch Article 67, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient - You need relief from BOA for the said violations Note there was no permit pulled for the said enclosed front porch but there is a violation that has not been corrected pertaining the enclosed front porch Purpose: Replace a screened porch to an existing porch.

Case: BOA- 1321257 Address: 19 Haydn Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Michael & Wanda Dupuis Article(s): Article 67, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 67, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Purpose: Renovation and addition to Unit 2 in an existing two family detached building, including a slightly revised second floor layout with a refinished bath and new front in unit stairwell to the third floor, and a third floor mansard roof addition including a master suite and recessed balcony to the rear.

Case: BOA- 1319341 Address: 351 Cornell Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Panagiota Whoriskey Article(s): Article 67, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 67, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Article 67, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Purpose: Dormer addition, rear deck, new siding.

Case: BOA- 1328658 Address: 8 Curlew Street Ward: 20 Applicant: Joseph Lawler Article(s): Art. 56 Sec. 08 Floor Area Ratio excessive Purpose: Extending the living space into the basement.

Case: BOA- 1310423 Address: 202 West First Street Ward 6 Applicant: 202-204 West First, LLC Article(s): Art 68 Sec 29 Roof Structure Restrictions - Max allowed height on parcel has been exceed 35’ max (revised drawings 3.17.22) Art 68 Sec. 33 Off Street parking Req. - Free maneuvering areas for required parking – (r.d. 3.17.22) Art 68 Sec. 34 Appl. Of Dim Req. - Traffic visibility across a corner lot Art 68 Sec. 14 Excessive f.a.r. Art 68 Sec. 14 Excessive height Art 68 Sec.14 Front Yard setback Art 68 Sec.31 Screening and Buffering Art 68 Sec.34 Appl. Of Dim Reqs - Special provisions for corner lots – Two front lots Article 68, Section 33 Off-Street Parking & Loading Req - Insufficient parking Purpose: Construction of a new five (modified to four story/3.16.22) office and research building with parking. Note: This application has been filed in conjunction with ALT1254788 (combining of four lots to =14,152sf). Demolition of all existing buildings on their respective sites are further subject to the approval/issuance of independent SF Demolition permits for each structure.

Case: BOA-1252945 Address: 21 Mayhew Street Ward 7 Applicant: Boston Collegiate Charter School Article(s):Art. 09 Sec. 01 Extension of Non Conforming Use - <25% conditional Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations - Accessory Outdoor Educational/School space Conditional Article 65, Section 8 Use Regulations - Accessory Parking to the main use (school) Conditional Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - Section 65 41 (4) (a) Parking Encroachment in required front yard Art. 65 Sec. 41 Off street parking requirements - Section 65 41(5)(d) Parking space sizes(50%...) Purpose: Former residential property being converted to outdoor educational use and accessory parking as part of adjacent campus of Boston Collegiate Charter School.

Case: BOA-1289454 Address: 4 Cherokee Street Ward: 10 Applicant: John Pulgini Article(s): Art. 59, Section 37 Off-Street Parking Insufficient - Off street parking requirement is insufficient Art. 59, Section 8 Floor area ratio is excessive Art. 59, Section 8 Height is excessive Art. 59, Section 8 Front yard setback is insufficient Art. 59, Section 8 Side yard setback is insufficient Art. 59, Section 8 Rear yard setback is insufficient Purpose : Proposed renovation and dormer addition to change the use from a single family house to a two family, as per plans

Case: BOA- 1261647 Address: 15 Meehan Street Ward: 11 Applicant: 15 Meehan Street LLC Article(s):Article 55, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 55, Section 9 Side Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 55, Section 41.1 Conformity Ex Bldg Alignment-Modal calculation not provided to verify compliance Purpose: Increase living space and add extension for egress/porches at rear.

Case: BOA- 1333051 Address: 20 Dale Street Ward: 18 Applicant: Michael Bavis Article(s): Art. 67 Sec. 09Side Yard Insufficient - Left side of property is less than 10' Article 67, Section 9 Front Yard Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Bldg Height Excessive (Stories) Purpose: This is the renovation of an existing single family residence. A new dormer will be added at the rear along with new habitable area at the third floor and the basement. The new rear dormer will create a 3 story in a 2.5 story zone. ZBA relief will be required. The front porch will be rebuilt.

Case: BOA- 1273426 Address: 1472 Centre Street Ward 20 Applicant: Jay Hajj Article(s): Art. 09 Sec. 01 Extension of Non Conforming Use Article 67, Section 8.2 Use Regs: Basement UnitsForbidden Article 67, Section 8 Use: Forbidden-4F in 2F Zone Article 67, Section 9 Lot Area Insufficient Article 67, Section 9 Floor Area Ratio Excessive Article 67, Section 9 Usable Open Space Insufficient Article 67, Section 32 Off Street Parking-2 add'l req'd with design size & maneuvering areas. Purpose: Proposed new dwelling unit in Basement. Change use from a three family to a four family and partial renovations, as per plans.

Case: BOA- 1344480 Address: 81-87 Fairmount Avenue Ward: 18 Applicant: Tasha Hull Article(s): Article 69, Section 9 Rear Yard Insufficient Article 69, Section 8 Use: Forbidden Purpose: Change occupancy in restaurant and Increase occupant load to 152 and include outdoor seating and live entertainment as use originally requested under ALT25876 approved at the Board of Appeal previously.

Case: BOA- 1177912 Address: 82-84 Boston Street Ward 7 Applicant: Media Partners MRV LLC For a vote on whether to reconsider the Board's decision, on May 10, 2022, to deny the relief because the vote to approve the relief failed to reach a quorum. Per Article 5, Section 5-3 of the Zoning Code, the applicant has requested to reopen the record to introduce renderings and other design information concerning the proposed billboard. Article(s): Aricle 65, Section 40 Sign Regulations (3) Free standing signs - (USE Forbidden) Art. 09 Sec. 01 Extension of Non Conforming Use Conditional Art. 11 Sec. 06 Signs Subject to Other Reg. - b) no new billboards shall be allowed within six hundred sixty (660) feet of a federally-funded highway subject to the Federal Highway Beautification Act unless approved by the Board of Appeal in accordance with Article 6 after receipt by the Board of Appeal of a planning recommendation from the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Art. 33 Sec. 16 Air-Right OS Applicability - Pilon Sign Forbidden Art. 65 Sec. 9 Residential Dimensional Reg.s - side yard Article 11, Section 7 Electronic Signs - Conditional Purpose: Construct a single faced digital billboard FREE STANDING PILON SIGN to the rear of 82 Boston Street per attached plans.