Spies and dolls: Mom trolls nosy neighbors with prostituting, drinking dummies

2022-08-08 02:01:03 By : Ms. Nancy Zhou

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She made dummies out of them.

A Michigan mom got the ultimate revenge on her nosy, spying neighbors — by adorning her garden with maniacal mannequins dressed as “drug-addled whores, drunks and accident victims” to give prying eyes something to stare it. Photos of her dummy security system are currently going viral as fans praise her ingenious method of exacting vengeance.

“I just set up the poses and laugh,” Flint native Tammy Zuniga told Kennedy News of her hilarious hobby.

Indeed, the 45-year-old nurse’s lawn is littered with passed-out drunkards — festooned with empty beer bottles — and scantily clad “dirty hoes” posing next to signs warning people not to feed them drugs and other lewd messages.

In one humorous scene, a ladder accident victim is sprawled atop her roof beside a star-spangled cowboy hat like something out of a bizarro nuclear test town.

The mother-of-two started erecting the purposefully profane displays two years ago as a “diversion.” She wanted to stop being “irritated with her nosy neighbors,” who allegedly spied on her while she was working.

“I paint garden art out in my garage, I’ll make hundreds of statues. It’s my hobby,” explained the artist. “I’d be out in my garden working on art projects and I would see blinds moving in windows. There would be pictures being taken.”

Along with snapping photos, the intrusive snoops would also tell Zuniga to paint with her door closed — a request the artist deemed ridiculous as she’d be unable to breathe.

That’s when she decided to turn her artistic talents to trolling her tormenters with riff-raff facsimiles.

“The first one I did, I set up a mannequin out on the porch wearing a sweater,” described the gleeful prankster. “The neighbours were so intrigued. I heard noise outside and looked out my window. Sure enough, they were all out there staring.”

Next up, Zuniga hung a dummy from her garage for a whole month, Kennedy reported. She said the mannequin was so realistic that people would stop their cars on her block “because they thought somebody needed help.”

“I try to keep a straight face through it all,” mused Zuniga. “I figure that if the neighbors think I’m crazy, they’ll stop bothering me.”

It appears her neighbor-dissuading dummies are paying dividends. “It’s worked for the most part,” she said. “Neighbors don’t really talk to me much anymore, which is kind of nice. They probably think I’m the weird mannequin lady now.”

The mannequin maven, for one, says she’s having a blast with the gag, describing: “What’s really bad is that I now seize every opportunity. Whenever I see them outside, I feel the need to set up the mannequins. I get excited to see them now, it’s not even normal.”

The sight of her spying neighbors used to make her blood boil. However, now the giddy gal says she’s “looking out my window to see their reactions to my mannequins,” adding, “I’m having so much fun with this.”

“Now, I can’t even be mad at them, because they’ve got to put up with me!” added Zuniga, who says the only problem is freaking out the repair people.

“The hardest part was whenever I had someone come over to install a water softener or whatever,” she explained of the doll-lateral damage. “I’d forget to tell them that I had mannequins and not to be alarmed.”

The jokester added, “They’d show up and they’d be like ‘Oh my god! I didn’t know what to think, I thought I’d have to save somebody!'”

And Zuniga isn’t stopping her antics anytime soon, most recently putting up two ladies of the evening in spangly miniskirts and gaudy cutoff tops that display their midriffs. The inventive artist even posted signs that read “A dirty hoe is a happy hoe” and “Please do not feed the whores drugs.”

The Michigan native says she doesn’t even know where she got the wacky idea, which took three weeks to realize, and required ensuring that the garden look just right.

Her opus is currently blowing up on social media. “I shared it to a group on Facebook and I wasn’t even sure if it’d get approved, because it can come across as being potentially offensive,” said Zuniga. “I don’t find it offensive, I find it comical. It’s just weird. It’s not like they’re in view of kids getting off at the bus stop.”

She added, “It took off when I shared it online, and I haven’t even had a chance to read through what everyone has been saying.”

The latest display will reportedly be up and trolling neighbors until winter. “Initially when I set them up, I thought they were going to be my last display,” said Zuniga. “But I don’t know anymore — I really had fun with it.”

Despite her dedication to her doll-arama, the trickster says her goal isn’t to ruin her neighbor’s lives.

She explained, “There could be way worse neighbors. Mine are just really incredibly nosy. I’m just trying to entertain them.”

This isn’t the first time someone has put their dummy where their mouth is, to hilarious effect.

New Jersey dentist Wayne Gangi faced backlash over the years for decking out his dental office’s lawn with scandalous mannequins sporting sultry, holiday-themed attire. 

The titillating tradition sparked controversy in April 2019 when an offended neighbor used scissors to dismantle what she deemed a “disgusting” Easter display featuring dummies in bunny ears, lingerie and fishnets. The damage cost Gangi between $500 and $1,000, he says, and prompted him to file a restraining order against the self-righteous vandal, whom he calls a “pimple on my ass.”

The incident also ignited a veritable holy war, with some deeming the Playboy Bunny facsimiles sacrilegious, while others, including Clifton’s mayor, calling it a “free speech issue.” However, the dentist told The Post he never intended to “attack Easter” and that it was “only a spoof.”