Critical violations are those factors leading to foodborne illness and must be corrected immediately. Noncritical violations relate to maintenance of food operations and cleanliness.
CBD American Shaman & Kava Bar
509 W. Spring St., Suite 225, Fayetteville
Critical violations: Back prep area hand washing sink did not have a handwashing sign.
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
Critical violations: Chicken in hot holding at 110-125 degrees. Temperature control for safety foods shall be held hot at 135 degrees or above.
Noncritical violations: Container of flour was not labeled.
Noncritical violations: Current permit was posted in office.
Critical violations: Facility packages ice and moved the ice machine to the back room. There is no hand washing sink available near the area where ice is packaged.
Noncritical violations: Food employee is wearing bracelet in food preparation area. Chlorine test strip is not available.
701 N. Thompson St., Suite E, Springdale
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
Red Door Bar & Grill
Critical violations: Ribs, and other smoked meats, lack a date of preparation. Foods made in-house shall have a date of expiration for seven days after creation.
Noncritical violations: The manager stated his food safety training has expired and needs to be retaken. Raw meat blood leaking on the floor of the walk-in cooler. Manager did not have test strips for the warewashing machine.
Noncritical violations: Prepared foods were not date marked with the correct date. Pie cutters were stored in water at 89 degrees and scoop handles were stored with handles touching the flour and sugar. Freezer and facility should be cleaned.
Noncritical violations: The coleslaw at 55 degrees in the prep table and strawberry topping at 51 degrees in the ice cream unit topping holder. No retail food permit posted.
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
Noncritical violations: No test strips were available.
Critical violations: Sliced tomatoes and cheese in upper portion and cheese in lower portion temperatures are between 56-59 degrees. Flip top cooler is not maintaining 41 degrees or below.
Noncritical violations: An employee lacks food protection manager certification. Probe thermometer located in flip-top refrigerator indicates 70 degrees. Outside garbage receptacle lids are open.
Critical violations: Pitcher and whisk left in handwashing sink. Disc plate thermometer measuring 147 degrees in mechanical ware-washing machine.
Critical violations: Cook used bare hands to put quesadilla in a to-go box. No bare hand contact with exposed, ready-to-eat food or ice.
Noncritical violations: Dish machine sanitizer reading was 0 ppm chlorine. Broken tiles, missing tiles and grout missing between tiles in kitchen/prep areas is allowing debris/water/food to collect in crevices. A retail food establishment shall have procedures for employees to follow when responding to bodily fluid release events that involve the discharge of matter onto surfaces.
Critical violations: Two cans of six pounds of concentrated crushed tomatoes are dented in the seal. Spray bottle does not have a label.
Noncritical violations: Fans located in food preparation area has surfaces that are not clean.
1810 W. Sunset Ave., Suite B6, Springdale
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
Critical violations: Milk product in the specialty drink machine was at 43 degrees.
Critical violations: Sliced cheese, milk and deli meat measuring at 44 degrees and should be held at 41 degrees or below.
Noncritical violations: Chicken thawing at room temperature in sink.
Critical violations: Handwashing sink located in back warewashing area lacks disposable towels available.
Noncritical violations: Food manager certification certificate is not displayed. Employee handwashing sink lacks handwashing posted notice.
Noncritical violations: The ambient air thermometer is not operating.
Noncritical violations: Food manager certification certificate is not displayed.
Critical violations: Two spray bottles of cleaner were not labeled. Facility is using curing salt without a variance.
Noncritical violations: No documentation of a certified food protection manager. Uncooked baked beans in pans in the walk-in cooler at 43 degrees prepared on May 16, 2022. Shell macaroni at 51 degrees in the kitchen refrigerator prepared on May 16, 2022. No screening on some sides of the tents that cover the smokers. The walkways between some smokers were gravel.
1523 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fayetteville
Critical violations: A bottle of all purpose cleaner did not have a label.
Noncritical violations: Permit is valid but is not posted.
1509 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fayetteville
Noncritical violations: Facility lacks sanitizer test strips.
1151 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fayetteville
Critical violations: A bottle of oven cleaner, a package of super glue and a replacement fluorescent light bulk were being stored on the shelf above the prep table.
Noncritical violations: Bags of flour are being stored on single sheet of press board to separate from the floor.
Noncritical violations: Retail food permit has expired.
2005 S. Thompson St., Suite D, Springdale
Noncritical violations: Prep table lacks a thermometer or refrigerator thermometer. Thermometer in prep table is broken.
2612 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 4, Fayetteville
Noncritical violations: No documentation of a certified food protection manager. No paper towels at the back handsink. Turkey at 45 degrees in the prep table and pickles at 54 degrees on the counter.
Critical violations: At the time of inspection pies were observed being packaged in boxes without protection on the hands. Raw bacon stored above pancakes.
3615 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fayetteville
Noncritical violations: No date marking on prepared food. No screening around the smoker.
Critical violations: Raw chicken at 42 degrees and coleslaw/packaged at 42 degrees.
Noncritical violations: One food employee lacks a beard protection. Surfaces interior of ice machine lack cleaning. Current retail food permit is not posted.
Critical violations: A small container of cooked on-site black beans stored in the refrigerator is date marked 5/10.
Noncritical violations: Food employee is wearing a wrist watch.
Noncritical violations: Food safety manager on staff did not have copy of certificate available. Facility did not have a maximum registering thermometer or heat measuring test strips for hot water sanitizing dish machine to ensure plate/utensil temperature reaches 160 degrees.
Noncritical violations: No food safety manager on staff. Ice on the floor by the walk-in freezer.
La Quinta Inn & Suites
Critical violations: The hand washing sink has a plate and cup in the sink. The milk in the refrigerator was expired as of 5/16/2022.
Noncritical violations: There is an area behind the three compartment sink that is lacking particle board, the insulation is visible.
Los Compas Authentic Mexican Food
Critical violations: Sani bucket with dry rag was in handwash sink. Package of raw beef was in a bowl on the counter. The internal temperature was 76 degrees.
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager. Bottle of oil was not labeled.
600 E. Van Ash Drive, Fayetteville
Noncritical violations: At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
Critical violations: Rice temped at 62 degrees stored in a container on the shelf under the stove. Half and half in the walk-in cooler at 50 degrees at the beginning of inspection and at 48 degrees at the end of the inspection in the walk-in cooler. Rice temped at 54 and 56 degrees in the walk-in cooler.
Noncritical violations: Hot water to one of the bar handwashing sinks at 69 degrees and the other sink did not provide hot water. No paper towels at the kitchen handwashing sink. In the walk-in cooler, raw eggs are stored above raw beef. In the refrigerator, beef is stored over shrimp and scallops. In the grill refrigerator, raw flat of shell eggs are stored over pre-cooked noodles. Containers of rice in the walk-in cooler and other food items were not date marked as needed. A package not punctured of Amberjack thawing in the refrigerator. The walk-in coolers outside thermometer was not working and inside cooler lacks refrigerator thermometer. A rice scoop stored in standing water at 86 degrees. Clean lines stored on the floor and to-go containers and paper towels stored on the ground in the outside storage building. The shelving, prep table, and cutting tables were covered in items such as plastic wrap, tin foil or cardboard. A sushi rice hot hold container was damaged. Ice machine has buildup of black debris, fire suppression and gas line have buildup of grease that was dripping, and the floor around the ice machine has a buildup of debris. Standing water and trash with debris in the outside trash receptacle storage area. Ceiling tile was missing in the kitchen.
Noncritical violations: Back door has an approximately 1" by 1" gap in the bottom corner of door frame.
Noncritical violations: Food employee is wearing bracelet on her hands/wrists. Surfaces of shelves in walk-in cooler lacks cleaning. Ceiling around ventilation is not clean (food preparation area and dinning room).
Critical violations: In walk-in cooler, cooked chopped tongues had date of 05/10, more than seven days.
Noncritical violations: Food employees do not have hair protection. Ice machine ice scoop is stored with handle down in contact with the ice.
Critical violations: A wait person used their bare hand to place a cooked piece of bacon in a customer's mixed drink. A food employee with bare hand placed cooked, chopped sausage/ham onto an omelet.
Noncritical violations: One food employee lacks a hair restraint for chin.
Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc.
Critical violations: Packaged raw eggs are stored above packaged/bottles of kombucha in the walk-in cooler.
2201 S. Thompson St., Suite D, Springdale
Critical violations: Food employee washed hands in three-compartment sink used to clean utensils. Cooked chicken at 120 degrees and cooked pork with vegetables at 130 degrees in hot holding. Pre-table: cooked meat at 45 degrees, cucumber at 48 degrees with ambient 50 degrees. Packaged cooked rice and packaged chicken with salad do not have a time marked.
1545 W. 15th St., Suite 1, Fayetteville
Critical violations: Shredded cheese in prep drawer of right prep table was at 64 degrees, sliced tomatoes on top portion of right prep table were at 61 degrees, sliced deli ham on the top of the right prep table was at 63 degrees. Bottle of cleaner were not labeled.
1545 W. 15th St., Suite 6, Fayetteville
Noncritical violations: Containers of shake mix were being stored under the service counter sink. Posted permit was expired.
Critical violations: Provide a supply of individual disposable towels or a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel or a heated-air drying device at each handwashing sink in food preparation, toilet and warewashing areas.
Noncritical violations: Cooking oil containers were being stored on the floor. Boxes of bulk frozen food items in the freezer were being stored on the floor. Single use items were being stored on the floor. No sanitizer test strips available. There is a buildup of debris and grease on the floors. There is a buildup of black debris on the shelves in the drink walk-in. There is a buildup of black debris on the inside of the ice machine. The baseboard and lower wall near the dish sink is in need of repair. At least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager.
The following establishments had no violations this reporting period:
May 16 -- Bites & Bowls, 1602 E. Robinson Ave., Suite E, Springdale; Casey's General Store, 1037 Henri De Tonti Tontitown; Shelby Lynn's Cake Shoppe, 118 W. Emma Ave., Springdale; Walgreens, 4007 Shiloh Drive, Fayetteville
May 17 -- Compassion House, 6045 Elm Springs Road, Springdale; Sonic Drive In, 1328 E. Robinson Ave., Springdale; The Gravy Wagon, 20221 Sonora Road, Springdale
May 18 -- Trailside Coffee Company, 101 W. Johnson Ave., Apt. A, Springdale; Wendy's, 2621 E. Mission Blvd., Fayetteville
May 19 -- Chick-fil-A, 1369 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fayetteville; Chicken Salad Chick, 352 E. Joyce Blvd., Suite 5, Fayetteville; Domino's, 1065 N. Garland Ave., Fayetteville; Harps-Deli/Bakery, 1308 N. Thompson St., Springdale
May 20 -- Doodlebugs Daycare & Preschool, 1228 Brookhaven Court, Springdale; Peace At Home Family Shelter, 3045 Ivey Lane, Springdale; The Links Fayetteville, 3600 W. Player Lane, Fayetteville
Print Headline: Washington County restaurant inspections
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