Welcome, candidates! WEHOville has you covered - WEHOville

2022-08-26 20:42:55 By : Ms. shelly bian

Congratulations!   You’re a politician!

Welcome to the City Council election of 2022.   In my first campaign, Lauren Meister told me ‘it is the people you meet along the way’… so enjoy the election.

WEHOville is happy to offer all candidates equal time. 

 We invite each candidate to submit opinion pieces on any subject of your choosing.    There are 12 candidates so something like 2 per month, but there is no limit.    Please submit your preferred photos to brandon@wehoville.com.     WEHOville Advertising spaces are limited.   There are only 2 leaderboards.  Ads are sold on a first come-first served basis.   Here is a spec sheet.  

Your ad can be used as a fundraising tool, or create your own headline.  Ads can click to your website or have up to 5 moving images.  A recent AHF ad had 1.675 million page views; Advanstay is clocking over a 1.1 million page views.   Our readership is very strong within West Hollywood but also neighboring communities. For the period 9/9 thought 11/9 ads list price and sold on a first come first serve basis. There is a 20% surcharge for PAC’s or independent expenditure committees above the ad rates.

WEHOville is working to present a WeHo voter guide.    The 32-page glossy guide will offer all candidates space to tell their story.   In the next week you all can expect more infomation, so that you can provide your copy.   We are finalizing cost of mailing and anticipate 10,000 copies to be distributed to voters.    On a personal note I would like to extend myself to each and every one of you who may need some guidance or advice.   

Beginning one month prior to the election, on 10/9, all candidates are invited to bring your yard signs to the BlockParty store.    We will celebrate the election season together.   We are also available to help you create tee shirts or show and sell those tee shirts at the shop.    Happy campaigning! Larry 310-733-7388 0 0 votes Article Rating

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Elect Liz Cheney!! Liberals lover her. Praise her. Glory her as a patriot. She’s the daughter of a warmonger and openly detested gay marriage of her lesbian sister. But because she’s anti-trump, none of that matters. She’s a patriot. CNN can’t put her on tv enough!! We LOVE Liz!!!!!!!! The hypocrisy is incredible, but don’t expect anything less from West Hollywood.