Welcome to Rangeley - Lewiston Sun Journal

2022-09-16 20:43:33 By : Mr. Lester Hu

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Many years ago, the town mover and shakers decided to link Rangeley with the Boston market. The Chamber was given the task to advertise more in that vicinity. And here we have the results. I know I do not drive the fanciest vehicle. It is  my choice to buy something that just needs a bit of repair and then drive it until it is done. I usually then give it away or call the junk dealers. But this year, I upgraded just a bit. I thought of trying to make this one vehicle last me a few years. But a small problem is beginning to creep into this picture. You see, this is the first time, I have had to install a camera in my car. Stuff just seems to keep on happening that is not typical Rangeley. I even had to begin taking pictures of my car to prove to myself, I was not imagining things. I just knew that scratch was not there two days ago. I am positive that tail light was not broken the last time I washed the car. A majority of these little events were happening at the local grocery store. One happened at the lumber yard. So, I began to park my car as far away from others as possible and not have to walk ten miles for my needs. On one event, I was parked a considerable distance from any other vehicle and yet a big white pick up parked right next to my car. I had just placed my groceries in the back seat and I was returning the shopping cart. I was greatly puzzled that that person decided to park so far away from the store entrance yet, right beside my vehicle. No I had not locked the doors, this was Rangeley no need to lock doors. So, I thought. The person stepped out of their vehicle and looked inside of my car. If, I had my phone with me, I would have waited to see what was next. But I was kind and did not let the situation develop into a problem. So, I must congratulate you folks, Rangeley, is becoming the same as Boston. I hear stories of properties being destroyed by the renters. Soon, there will be more signs demanding folks to stay away from personal properties. The majority of Rangeley folks welcome you with smiles and friendly attitudes. We all realize one bad apple ruins things for the whole lot. Some folks sell their property to move to a quieter area thanks to the noisy machines. Yet sooner or later, visitors encroach upon that peace and quiet. This property is posted no trespassing, yet folks drive in just to look around. I did follow one gentleman home and asked if he could read. He admitted he could, but thought the signs did not apply to him. Another fella came by, got out of their vehicle and walked around. I knew the fella, so I followed him home and did the same where he was staying.  I wish to remind you fine people, you come here to rent and enjoy. Not to ruin and destroy. You are losing the right to complain about lands no longer accessible thanks to the minority that just do not care. There are still a lot of good fine folks that come here to enjoy this area. We will continue to welcome you caring gracious folks. But, we get tired and so forgive us when the signs go up. The trails get closed and our attitude begins to change. I have been in Rangeley since the 50’s and this is a sad sign of what is coming up the pike. Maybe Star Trek will teach me how to build a force field to install around my car. I already know how to build a laser fence, but I still enjoy the wild animals that come by. NO not the people, just the four footed creatures.     Ken White mountainman    COB

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